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Birding at The Brinton – Every 3rd Saturday, at 9AM. Meet at The Brinton parking lot for an approximately one-mile bird watching walk around the grounds. For more info CLICK HERE 

Volunteer informational meeting - February 1st, 12:15pm-12:45pm - Johnson County Library, preceding the Wetlands program noted below 

Buffalo Wetlands Program, February 1st, 2025, at 1:00pm, the Johnson County Library, Twing Room - no charge

Buffalo Wetlands Outreach Agenda:

  • -Phil Gonzales—Welcome and why we are here

  • -Kevin Little, Corps of Engineers—Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) mitigation for Tie Hack impact on wetlands, becoming the Buffalo wetlands

  • -Casey Friese, Bureau of Land Management, BLM—Recreation and Public Purpose Act, R&PP Act, sideboards and expectations of the Buffalo Green Belt, recreation use

  • -JoAnne Puckett, Bighorn Audubon—Importance of wetlands for birds and Audubon bird surveys

  • -Allen Buff, Weed and Pest--present weed management and introduce biological control of mosquito’s techniques in the wetlands

  • -Wendy Estes-Zumpf, Wyoming Game and Fish--Herp species, reptiles and amphibians, i.e. frogs, turtles, other wetland species and their habitat need

  • -Councilwoman, Myra Camino—Importance of wetlands to the trail system and community

  • -City—Invited--How do we go forward


Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region 

In partnership with The Brinton Museum, we are so excited to announce the 2025 exhibit Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region II at The Brinton Museum from April 19 - June 29, 2025. Artists can apply starting 6/24/2024 in CaFÉ through this link:

Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region II second juried art competition (April 19 to June 29, 2025) focuses on the diversity and variety of more than 275 bird species, including migratory birds, found in the Rocky Mountain Region. Artists are encouraged to submit up to 3 entries. Eligible mediums include oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pastel, drawing, printmaking processes (no digital art), bronze, glass, ceramics, stone and mixed-media. No photography. Preference will be given to submissions which best represent the nature/essence of the species either through realism, abstraction or contemporary interpretation. 


Three knowledgeable jurors in their fields will select up to 45 pieces for exhibit. Invited jurors are ornithologist L. Scott Johnson Ph.D., author of 75 scientific publications on birds who studied birds on the grounds of The Brinton Museum for over 25 years; James F. Jackson, internationally-known artist and master leather artisan and 2019 National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowship Award Recipient; and Barbara J. McNab, 11-year tenure as Curator of Exhibitions at The Brinton Museum.


A color-illustrated catalog including biographical information on participating artists as well as educational commentary about birds represented in the exhibition will accompany this show.

Show Awards include the following categories:

Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region, Best of Show     $1,000

Rocky Mountain Award                $500

The Brinton Museum Award       $250

Bighorn Audubon Award              $250


Christmas Bird Count December 2024

Buffalo 12/15/24

Sheridan 12/21/24

Kane (Bighorn Canyon Yellowtail Habitat) 12/21/24

Big Horn/Story 12/28/24

Ucross IBA (Important Bird Area) Bird Walks Spring and Fall of 2025- more info to come!

Bighorn Audubon Monthly Board Meeting – 1st Monday of the month at 5pm. Location varies due to weather. For more info please email 

PAST 2022 - 2024 EVENTS:

September 22nd at 2pm -  

The History, Legends, and Birds of Lake De Smet

at Lake DeSmet, the Mikesell-Potts Recreation Area

Program includes:

* Lake DeSmet's history by the Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum 

* Birds of Lake DeSmet by Bighorn Audubon

* Legends of the lake by the Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association 

* The lake's Northern Cheyenne's history and significance, and of its birds by Linwood Tall Bull of the Northern Cheyenne. 

Free event, outside, little walking required. Chairs will be available. 

No reservations required.

August 10th at 9am - in partnership with the Sheridan Community Land Trust, Bighorn Audubon led a bird walk along Red Grade Trail. for more info please see:

June 21 at 9 am – Bighorn Audubon and State Parks Ranger Katie Singleton bird walk adventure began at Fort Phil. 26 participants visited a variety of bird habitats on state land, about a mile walk round trip. A bird checklist and educational information was provided. Great birds, people, weather and land. 

February 8th - A presentation "Let's Talk About Birds" with members of the Story Garden Club. Fun afternoon!

Bighorn Audubon board members Pam Moore and Carol Mavrakis, Thursday, Dec. 21st 5:30-7:30, attended SAGE Open House and Member-Pop-up. Thank you, SAGE Community Arts Gallery, for inviting Bighorn Audubon to participate!

ART, Refreshments and Live Music.

21 West Brundage Street in Sheridan.

The Brinton Museum and Bighorn Audubon PRESENTED:

Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region

May 4 - July 2 at The Brinton Museum

Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region was a national juried art exhibit of 40 selected works representing a wide diversity of artistic styles of regional birds. All stunning pieces!

PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more about the exhibit and the educational programs.


OCTOBER 22nd in Buffalo

Murie Audubon of Casper made their annual trip to the Buffalo area on October 22, 2022.  A wonderful group toured the ponds at Mountain Plains Heritage Park, CR 204, Healy Reservoir, Moore Reservoir and Lake DeSmet. It was a bit chilly, but we had great fun spotting 37 species. Among the highlights was a Rusty Blackbird. The leaders were Stacey Scott of Murie Audubon and Jim & Gloria Lawrence of Buffalo. 


AUGUST 13th at Trail End

Discovery Session: Birding and Community Science

Sheridan Community Land Trust, Bighorn Audubon Society, Bighorn National Forest Wildlife Biologists and at the Trail End State Historic Site 

Attendees learned how birders can aid the conservation and management of our feathered friends as community scientists. Bighorn Audubon Society board members Ariel Downing and JoAnne Puckett talked about the Christmas Bird Count and Spring Count and the newly-released Bighorn Forest Bird Checklist. USFS Wildlife Biologists Bonnie Alison and Tracy Pinter talked about community science opportunities in the Forest. 

MARCH 23rd at Sheridan Fulmer Library 

Presentation on Greater Sage-Grouse habitat needs and

survival threats in the Powder River Basin

By Chris Kirol, M.S., Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Wildlife Ecologist

March 23rd at 5:30 pm Inner Circle, Sheridan Fulmer Library

Free event

Sponsored by the Bighorn Audubon Society



Greater Sage-grouse thrive in landscapes dominated by unfragmented sagebrush habitat. However, largely due to human actions, large tracks of unfragmented sagebrush habitat are becoming much less common in the western U.S. and Sage-grouse population declines have mirrored this loss and fragmentation of sagebrush habitat over the last several decades. Population declines have been particularly stark in the Powder River Basin in northeastern Wyoming. In this presentation, Dr. Chris Kirol will be discussing the ecology of this unique bird along with sharing some interesting facts and details. He will also be sharing what he and his colleagues have learned through their research on Sage-grouse living in an industrial landscape in northeastern Wyoming. During the last five years, they have used female Sage-grouse fitted with GPS-transmitters to gather detailed information on habitat needs and Sage-grouse responses to disturbances, infrastructure and reclamation. Finally, and most importantly, he will describe actions we can take to improve habitat quality for Sage-grouse and ways to maintain and enhance areas of high reproductive potential to boost populations of this amazing bird.



Dr. Chris Kirol has been doing wildlife work in Wyoming for almost 20 years. Prior to obtaining graduate degrees in wildlife ecology at the University of Wyoming (Masters of Science) and the University of Waterloo (Doctor of Philosophy), he worked for an environmental consultant as a wildlife biologist where his primary duties involved conducting wildlife clearance surveys for industrial development. It was during this time that he became passionate about conservation of wildlife species that are dependent on the sagebrush ecosystem such as the Greater Sage-grouse. During his graduate work, he completed a master’s project studying Sage-grouse population fitness in an area that was undergoing oil and gas development. His master thesis was named Outstanding Masters of Science Thesis of 2013 by the University of Wyoming. Through his PhD and post-doctoral research, he has been working to apply field-based science to wildlife conservation issues in the sagebrush ecosystem. His research has primarily focused on bird species dependent of sagebrush ecosystems from sage-grouse to songbirds like the Brewer’s Sparrow. Broadly, his research explores how habitat quality—the ability of the environment to provide conditions suitable for individual and population persistence—can be compromised by human features and activities, and steps that can be taken to reduce the impacts of these activities on endemic species. Over the course of his career, his research has focused on applied science including critical habitat mapping, measuring the effectiveness of mitigation and assessing bird responses to reclamation. His research can be found in peer-reviewed journals such as Ecological Applications, Avian Conservation Ecology, and the Journal of Wildlife Management.

More info please contact

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