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JUNE 17th BIRDING 307 EVENT to coincide with Birding at The Brinton - as part of the educational programs for the  "Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region" art exhibit. 

Following Birding 307 will be Bighorn Audubon's Annual Meeting at 11:00 Big Horn Woman's Club. 


Starting at 9:00 am: 


Birding 307 will introduce participants to the basics of birding and birding in the 307! We will cover what birds are, the tried and true method to identification, and some of the common species expected in the Cowboy State.



Zach Hutchinson is our community science coordinator, a Community Naturalist, and a master bander. Prior to Audubon, he graduated with a B.S. in zoology from NMSU; operated programs combining science, art, and kayaks; served as an alligator conservation biologist; and was a museum operations director. Zach authored The Great Wyoming Bird Trail, an app guiding bird enthusiasts to finding birds in Wyoming. His passion within Audubon is focused on engaging students and adults with experiential learning through his various bird banding projects. Zach’s passion for conservation started from birth, and his personal life greatly reflects his work life just with a few more bird jokes (see However, he has a passion for international travel!

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