Bighorn Audubon Society offers engaging programs, field trips to observe birds, and conservation campaigns. Bighorn Audubon is an independent non-profit organization affiliated with the National Audubon Society. The local chapter is the core strength of the Audubon network and plays a critical role on behalf of birds, wildlife, and people.
Bighorn Audubon works for the protection of birds and their habitat to enhance our communities and region.
A Diverse Community
Bighorn Audubon members are united by a passion for wildlife and the outdoors. Our members recognize the unparalleled outdoor heritage that runs deep throughout Wyoming and are proud to work together to ensure a healthy natural world for future generations. Our community includes National Audubon Society members and local chapter members from northeastern Wyoming: Big Horn, Campbell, Crook, Johnson, Sheridan, Weston, and eastern Washakie Counties.
More Than 50 Years of Protecting Regional Birds
Bighorn Audubon has been active in the region since 1970. Together, we share a rich cultural and biological history within the Bighorn Mountains Region of Wyoming. The counties we serve represent a diversity of habitats from the alpine tundra of the Cloud Peak Wilderness in the Bighorn Mountains to the eastern Thunder Basin National Grasslands.
Protecting Nature through Conservation, Advocacy, and Education
Our conservation activities involve collecting valuable data about birds across the Bighorn region and working to protect their habitats. As advocates for wildlife, we seek to influence public policy by elevating the best available science and working alongside government officials and other stakeholders, to realize outcomes that support healthy lands and wildlife. Our field trips and outings are designed to excite and educate people of all ages about birds. Our projects depend on the participation of dedicated volunteers and the support of committed individual donors.
Working Together
Bighorn Audubon believes we are more successful as a community when working together with federal and local agencies, and with private landowners. We value the variety of lands that make-up our corner of the state and the wide range of benefits they provide to wildlife and our local economies, therefore we are very interested in how they are managed. We endeavor to find long-term management approaches that allow everyone and everything to enjoy healthy land, water, and air. In doing so, we look at the world through the lens of birds but - let us be clear - Bighorn Audubon values neighbors with all different perspectives and expertise within the community and strongly believes that we can achieve more by working together to realize a future where we all benefit.